Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First Bloog: Part 1

Yeah, that's right...it's Jonny's bloog! I've been wanted to start one of these for a while, and Henderstein just published one, and you know how much I like to follow him everywhere. Prolly due to the sweet ass.

Hmmm...I really started this to keep up with friends and family whilst living in Toon Town, or rather so they can keep up with me. I love my family dearly, much more than they could know, and far more than I've expressed. But, after thinking about what to say, talk about, and bloog about, I decided that there's no fucking way in Christ that I'm going to let my highly religious, ultra-conservative family know what their son, brother, and uncle have been up to...

Family and friends, please visit my other, child/jesus-friendly bloog: www.jesusismyspringerfork.blogger.com

Well, I leave on Friday...what's today, Tuesday? It's going to be a rather long trip...it usually is. The only thing to look forward to is a 6 hour layover in Vegas, which really, unless you are a resident of Las Vegas or Nevada, ANY amount of time in that hell-hole should be considered a layover.

Then, on to Calgary, where I'm sure to be hassled by Border Patrol and Custom Agents, up my ass with a flashlight, trying desperately to find something, ANYTHING to give me grief about.

"This your toothbrush? Who else has been using it?" God, nobody I hope, but I really can't say for sure. Why don't you wipe it off with one of your swabs then toss that bitch in the garbage, cuz I'll be damned if I'm going to use it after your grubby hands have been all over it. Better yet, hang on to that. Ball sweat is not the easiest of films to wash out of your mouth, eh?

Then, onto Saskatoon, home sweet home. I can't wait. It's going to be unbelievable in a very big way. It's been so long since I've wanted to get out of the country and be with April, not in that order.

Well, It's St. Patty's Day, I'm not wearing green, and should consider smoking a cigarette before starting work. Ah, cigarettes...I'll miss you most of all. More on that later.
